Should some FBI agents be arrested?

On monday, FBI officials went in front of congress and explained that while they were interrogating the bomber Tsarnaev, a federal magistrate with an assistant Fed district attorney came in during the interrogation and read him his miranda. The FBI said in front of congress they were not notified the Attorney and magistrate were coming, where they said yes indeed, the FBI was told so, after the fact.
So, lying to congress, should this be a charge leveled against those agents, or is something else going on here?
There is definitely a cover up somewhere here no one is talking about.They should have never read him his Miranda rights period.I hope someone who is honest gets to the bottom of this.
There is no requirement under the recent laws in the US to read a suspected terrorist his Miranda rights as the good of the many overrides the good of the individual.

Obviously the FBI needs to show sufficient cause to do so ... in this case there was pieces of metal flying around, dead bodies, a dead cop, them shooting at people and throwing more bombs out of the window.

The FBI guys did nothing wrong ... the judge at that point further down the track made a call based on sufficient evidence being gained that indicated no outstanding immediate danger to the public applied.

The FBI are generally sticklers for legalities ... thats why they are so inefficient in many cases.

Look at the Waco Massacre ... if they had let the FBI go in guns blazing when they wanted to most of the nutjob brainwashed hippies would have survived.

Just my 10 cents worth ... its been a long day at work ... the coffee was strong.

Agreed with Rey, there was more than enough evidence to convict him. Anything you say can and will be used against you... its kind of a give in that the video footage of you planting a bomb is more than enough for a conviction.
Plus you need to let the FBI blow some shizup ... their not getting their fair share.

The army and the marines are ... no doubt the cops are too ... its time to let the FBI out on a decent rampage ... give them some A10's I say !!

There are plenty in surplus stores near you ...


Read him his Miranda rights. While I personally believe him to be a terrorist and acting on a larger scale than what he admins, based on our laws he should have his rights read to him.

If we did not read him his rights, we have set common law. At what point do we classify someone a terrorist to remove their rights? He was living here as a child through his teenage years. He is entitled to those rights which he attacked. We need to put emotions aside and follow our laws; Law should not be written or destroyed by emotion. They should be created with a fair and clear mind at what is sensible.d

When emotions trump our laws, we will have far more to worry about.
Agreed, but within those laws, our laws is a time element and a cohesion amongst out justice system and our legal system thats to benefit everyone while still protecting the individual.
At anytime this point can be argued in a court of law as to its application for anyone thought wrongfully dealt with.
The difference I do believe is, its not whats being said that will be held against the suspect, but furthering knowledge that will protect the citizens , and weighing its import, which can be argued either way, but if our judges arent fair, we wont find justice no matter how good our laws are.