Show I return my new card?


Nov 25, 2015
Hi, so i have a new Asus Gtx 750 - ti card.

Earlier everything was running really smooth, but than it started to get really slow in game and flashing some white lines in the begining of the game and exiting the game some green lines.

Since I was able to play earlier with no problem at all and is just getting slower now should i be concerned that is faulty?

When the game is ruinning smooth its like 50% gpu usage and when in get slow its 80% GPU.

Could anyone helo me with this? Can it be becuase of the power supply?
1 week ago, everything was runnig smooth, but I didnt really test it out. Now i moved to another city for college and had to bring my tower in the plane. I dismounted the graphic card and brought it with me to the plane in fear of it getting damaged.

I will post my specs.

ASPRock FM2A58

AMD A10 - 5800k

Samsung SSD 250 gb

Nvidida Geforce GTX 750 - ti

Power supply i dont know the brand but its 500W

The issues began as soons as I mounted the desktop again, but i as I said i really didnt have the time to try it out when i got it.

So I have been checking my temperatures and the cpu reaches 70º when playing game.
I think thats the problem, it heats up and malfunctions and bottles up the gpu...

I dont know