Shut Computer Off During Graphics Driver Update (AMD HD7970), Lots Of Issues

it is james

Jan 28, 2012
Hi all, and sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

Yesterday, my graphics card driver kept crashing and recovering so I tried updating it using AMD's driver updater tool. Halfway through, the driver crashed again and was unable to recover, so I had to shut the computer off and hoped for the best. Immediately after turning it back on, I began noticing issues (lines through the screen, pixelation)

The computer is able to boot up, but my monitor shuts off claiming there is no signal as soon as it actually boots into Windows 7 (64-bit) and hits the Windows lock screen. I shut off the computer and unplugged my graphics card, reset the CMOS, and changed the default graphics to integrated, but had the same issue. I found out I'm only able to maintain signal if I boot up in safe mode.

I did so, and redownloaded AMD's Catalyst Control Center and attempted to install it. Unfortunately, the installation failed with a message stating it “failed to load the detection driver” I looked around and a thread said to uninstall previous versions, but I'm unable to do so in safe mode.

At this point, I'm not sure what to do. Any input or advice would be appreciated, thank you.

Thank you for your help so far. I ran the tool and am now able to boot up into Windows 7 normally, but still have the same issues with lines and dot clusters appearing randomly on my screen. I was also able to install CCC as I had tried to do so earlier and update my graphics card drivers, but I'm still having the same issues.

Wonder what the problem is.

Sure thing -

Edit: This now only happens when booting up with the card, integrated graphics is working fine. Although when booting up with integrated graphics, AMD's software seems unable to detect my card despite the fact that it's powered on and the fan is spinning.

Edit again: I'm not able to get any display at all when I don't use integrated graphics, when using DVI from motherboard to my monitor. When I use HDMI -> HDMI through my graphics card, I can boot up with the dedicated graphics but with all the graphical glitches I've been encountering.
download MSI afterburner run it go down and find the settings button and look around for unlock core voltage after that click Ok or Apply than itll restart the Application after that put the voltage up by 10-20 than put the fan speed to 60%

Just tried that but it's not letting me edit anything and it shows my graphics card at 0 activity/voltage/temp/clock speed.

I'd usually be able to do the same stuff with Catalyst Control Center but it's not detecting my card.

Thanks again for your help so far, by the way. I really appreciate it.


If you can test the card in another system it will save you time and work. If you don't have access to another system either you re-install your Windows or Install another copy of Windows on a different partition and see if you have the issue with the fresh install.. if so I think a hardware failure is most likely.
Thank you all for your help. I tried putting the card in another slot, but broke all the stupid plastic clamps that hold things in place in the process (they're incredibly difficult to open on both my case and motherboard) so I guess I'm SOL.

The card is still under warranty so I'll try to RMA it... not like I'll be able to get it back into my PC anyway.

Again, thank you all for your help.

good idea

Sorry, I forgot to mention I didn't have another computer to test it in (although I tried testing it in a different slot as suggested.)

My case and my motherboard both have tiny plastic clamps that secure the card in place, but I happened to break all of them so I'm now unable to lift them or clamp them down.

you broke the PCI slots?
Just came back to see this, good to know there is a bit of hope.

I am unable to RMA the card like I originally thought I would, and I am unable to test it in another PC, should I order a new card anyway and hope that the card is actually the problem (and not the PCI slot?)

Should I try baking the card in the oven?

I feel out of options but can afford a new card if necessary.


it cant be the GPU and no dont put it in the oven.

If it's not the GPU than what could it possibly be? The computer works fine when using integrated graphics, and immediately gets lines all over the screen when I turn the computer on the computer with my monitor connected to the graphics card.

Unless it's the slot I don't know what else it could be?

Yes, the computer works completely fine when using integrated graphics.

I do not think it is the slot because I tested it on every slot on my motherboard and the issue persists.

I do not think it is the drivers because I removed and reinstalled those several times already.

If its not the GPU what could it be? At this point I'm actually hoping it IS the gpu so I can upgrade.But I don't want to waste the money if its not actually the GPU