Sid Meier Talks About VR and Beyond Earth

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May 3, 2013
"The size of the screen, the number of colors, or whether it's 2D or 3D is not fundamentally what's going to make the game great or not great. It's what we can create in your imagination, in terms of a story and an adventure for you to pursue, that's important."

Great insight. It's good to know that some developers are still focusing on what's important- not wasting resources on pointless eye candy.


If they can make this half as good as Alpha Centauri was I would buy it. Sadly the Civilisation series has been stagnant with flat worlds and slow programming. Wish Brian Reynolds was lead designer again.


Aug 6, 2008
"The size of the screen, the number of colors, or whether it's 2D or 3D is not fundamentally what's going to make the game great or not great. It's what we can create in your imagination, in terms of a story and an adventure for you to pursue, that's important." - I drink to that!!
Sep 22, 2013
If they can make this half as good as Alpha Centauri was I would buy it. Sadly the Civilisation series has been stagnant with flat worlds and slow programming. Wish Brian Reynolds was lead designer again.

I am stoked for this game and immediately thought of Alpha Centauri, too. That said, I think you may have missed out on Civ V because it's not flat, it's as exciting as the original and it's pretty darn creative. The demo is free on Steam, BTW.

Ooo, new civ expansion. Wonder if they are gonna fix the game breaking trade bug where you can basically get anything from anyone by modifying a trade deal.

This is not an expansion. It's a standalone new, original game. And I'm pretty sure the bug you're talking about was fixed in a patch a long time ago.


I am stoked for this game and immediately thought of Alpha Centauri, too. That said, I think you may have missed out on Civ V because it's not flat, it's as exciting as the original and it's pretty darn creative. The demo is free on Steam, BTW.

Hi no, actually I own all of CIV series including V and many of the (boring and pointless) expansions. By flat I meant that in Alpha centauri the maps had hills and mountains unlike in CIV V where the hills are just impassable obstacles. It seems that the designers and programmers of CIV are just re-using their lackluster engines until there is a general uproar for them to create something semi decent. The data structures they use for calculations must really wrong because this is a game that should be perfect for tablets, yet CIV V bring an i7 with a 780ti to its knees in the later stages. It feels like they load their parameters into Excel spreadsheets in the background and use COM calls to calculate the opponents' moves. ;-)
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