Significantly Slower speeds when connecting directly to modem


Jun 4, 2015
This is a really hard one for me to understand. When I have my computer directly connected to my router I get about 95 down and 10 up. But when I directly connect my computer to the modem I get about 8 down and 2 up. Maybe it has something to do with my computer settings but I don't know what that would be. I tried disabling the firewall and disabling any anti virus I have running and still got really slow speeds connecting directly to the modem. The reason I am trying to trouble shoot this is my ISP says I should be getting close to 200 down and when the technician came out he gave me a newer modem cause the old one was really old but still I only get 8 down when connected directly to it.The technician said he has no idea why that would be happening and said it must have something to do with how my computer is configured. Anyone know why this might be, it really boggles my mind.

Have you tried plugging it into the modem with different network cables.. and also reboot both the modem and pc after you plug it in.. and make sure as well that your NIC card is not going half-duplex and make sure your connection shows the correct speed.

Edit: also try a different computer if possible.. that would rule in or out your computer as the issue.