Signs of a dying HD


Aug 23, 2014
I am not to keen on what to look for in a dying hard drive. I am posting because I am having Very slow start ups and hangs with no peak in resource usage. I only have 6 programs run at start.



the hd tune looks fine..on the c7 error can be bad cable or driver...the error is sata or ide error...if it grows could be a sign of a failing controller or mb. try using f8 safe mode see if windows stalls. sometime you can have damaged windows or a damaged anti virus or loaded more then one. also run malware bytes and hitman pro check your system for an infection. if windows has been running for a few years it may be time to back your data up online (google drive and then wipping windows and then reloading windows.).
the temp reading says 112 and worst is 98..... is the case and fans clean? is the hdd clean? if possible try plugging the drive into a different port or onto another computer and see if the problem exists there
Hi there Jpeg666,

My suggestion would be to regularly back up the data. Another thing you can do is to just test the drive from time to time and see whether these numbers will get worse or stay the same. My guess is that the bad sectors will increase eventually.

This hard drive is 7+ years old and the computer is heavily used for gaming. I am assuming it is just wear and tear. Time to get with he times and upgrade to an ssd.