Silicondust hdprime connections- HELP

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Jan 13, 2013
Anyone have a link to direct my to or have info on how to connect hdprime to my network?
I cant find the info I'm looking for. I even searched hdprime website.
There is one ethernet connection on hdprime box, and one ethernet connection on my htpc, Im confuse on how everthing connects together.. Does the hdprime connect to my router or htpc? Do I need a wireless card for my htpc? Do both units plug into my router???? :pt1cable:

Need help please...

The only issue that may occur is that a port may need to be opened on your router to allow for connection to any other PCs on your network. This *should* be spelled out, in detail, in the set up program/documentation for your tuner.

You will, of course, need the cablecard from your cable company when you're ready to set it up.

As far as optimizing Windows 7, I suppose there are some things you can try, but I've never found it necessary. My HTPC is on 24/7 (no sleep mode). I've programmed a button on my Microsoft Windows Media Center Remote to turn my HDTV on and off as needed.

The only real problem that I've run into is that if I turn off my HDTV while Windows Media Center is still running, when I later turn the HDTV back on, I will...

Thanks again Wolf! Anything else I need to know? Will my router run as normal or do I need any special setup? I havent received my tuner yet. Ordered from Newegg, they usually arent this slow. Found it on sale for $139.99. I was just trying to review ahead of time so I knew how to hook it all up once I receive it.

Any info on optimizing w7 so it doesnt run programs not needed, fast boot to wmc, etc? I've been searching the internet alll morning and I get conflicting info. Easier to just post a message and I get a reply. :)
The only issue that may occur is that a port may need to be opened on your router to allow for connection to any other PCs on your network. This *should* be spelled out, in detail, in the set up program/documentation for your tuner.

You will, of course, need the cablecard from your cable company when you're ready to set it up.

As far as optimizing Windows 7, I suppose there are some things you can try, but I've never found it necessary. My HTPC is on 24/7 (no sleep mode). I've programmed a button on my Microsoft Windows Media Center Remote to turn my HDTV on and off as needed.

The only real problem that I've run into is that if I turn off my HDTV while Windows Media Center is still running, when I later turn the HDTV back on, I will get a no signal message (the handshake was lost). It's a minor inconvenience, having to exit WMC each time I turn off the TV, but it's only three button presses from my remote. Otherwise, it's a forced shutdown, restart, and login. When I do want to watch TV, it's only four button presses (TV Power, Green Button, Left Arrow for the Guide, and OK to open the Guide) before I'm scrolling through the Online TV Guide; search for something to watch.

I suppose you you could add EHShell.exe to your windows startup folder to have Windows Media Center start on boot up, but for me, since my system is on 24/7, there is no boot up.

-Wolf sends

Another great informative answer! Maybe you can give me some insight on this..... I just read today that xbmc just came out with a new version 12 (frodo) This is suppose to support pvr and has much better features than wmc. (I downloaded to test out) on an older laptop. I like the features it supports much better than wmc.

question: Is it possible to use wmc as my dvr and live tv ..... Then use xbmc as my online media streaming? Is it possible to download and run both apps or do you think this would cause to many issues? can one be integrated into the other?

Sorry. XBMC is not my forte.

I suppose if you had a powerful enough system (I'd say a tri-core with 4GB of RAM at a minimum), you could run both WMC and XBMC at the same time. Not sure what you'd gain from this, but again, I'm not overly familiar with XBMC.

-Wolf sends

After 'trying' the different apps for streaming media and live tv, I discovered that wmc seems to be the 'one to have' if your going to dvr, but there arent many plugins for streaming via internet media like youtube, pandora radio, amazon and a few others.

I was just curious, but thanks for your replies you've been very helpful. :)

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