Simple question, need help, Sound Card - ROG Xonar Phoebus Solo 7.1.


Aug 18, 2015
Hey guys, so i got that sound card, but i have an doubt, i plugged in the sound card without a problem, but the card came with a power cable, but that power cable as 2, pin entrances (sorry i dont know the name in english since im not a native), now my question is, do i need to plug in just 1 pin cable to the pc power supply, or do i need to connect both of them ?

Example, thats the same power cable with the 2 pin cables i was refering, but theres only one 1 pin entrance that is connected =>

Can i plug it in just 1 pin cable to my power supply, like it shows in the image, or do i need to plug in both of the 2 pin entrances?

Thanks in advance.
new hard disks doesn't use molex cable, uses sata power cable

the psu should have 4 molex connectors, use 2 of them for what you want, try with one cable, perhaps is enough, if it doen't get powered, you need 2 molex cables
i ddidn't knew about a sound card asking for more power this way

the cables you posted, the connector itself looks like a 6 pin power cable for a gpu

use that one, the converters you posted, i don't like to use them, most times they don't connect well so you have to fight with them alot to make them work

as for the 2 connectors, they are required to offer the 75 watts asked by the sound card, if you really need to use that converter, connect on each side a molex connector to get 75watts on the 6 pin cable but is simpler to use the 6 pin power cable from the psu, most psus will have two and usually the gpu only uses one

don't use the Y for molex, it is guaranteed to give you problems

So, i plug in 1 Molex power connector to the power supply, or should i plug in both of them?

like in that picture above, should i plug in both of the Molex cables to the power supply, or just one ?

or can i just plug in the Power supply power cord in the sound card?
don't use the converter is what i said, use the 6 pin power cable from the psu if you have one available

if you don't have, use the 2 molex to 1 6 pin converter, on each molex connector, connecta molex cable form the psu, don't use the Y that converts 1 molex into two

my PSU only as a 4 pin power cable, i just checked it

in that case, i need to plug in both Molex cables to get the 75 watts?
or can i just plug in one?

i found one molex entrance in my power supply, but its already being used i believe, can i plug in, in there?

CPU: i5 6400


RAM: 16gb DDR4


Motherboard: ASUS B150M-A

I just wanted to know, if i need to connect 1, or both of the molex connectors to the PC.

I already have 1 molex plugged in, all i need to know, is , if i need to plug in the other one too.

Also, both of the molex cables only as 3 pins inside them.
this psu?

there it says that only has a 8 pin power cable and you are using it with the gtx right?

then you need to use the two molex to 1 6 pin power cable converter

yes that's the one.

So, overall, i need to connect the 2 of the molex cables to get the 75 watts needed, correct? and to get an overall of 6 pin connection, since both as 3 pins?

also, like i said above, one molex cable that is connected to the PSU, is already being used, for what, im not sure, but i think its for the HDD i think, not sure, havent checked it yet.

Is it ok to connect one molex cable on that one?


Can i use one molex pin that is already being used for my HDD (i think), but on the other side, it as a spare entrance?
can i use that entrance for the 2nd cable?
It looks like a double molex cable, like if you can connect 2 things at once

new hard disks doesn't use molex cable, uses sata power cable

the psu should have 4 molex connectors, use 2 of them for what you want, try with one cable, perhaps is enough, if it doen't get powered, you need 2 molex cables