Sims 4 bad FPS on High-End Computer?!?


Jun 15, 2017
So with everything on Ultra, I get 30fps-49fps depending on zooming out/moving camera. Paused or Fast Forward doesn't affect it. But I've researched tons of other people playing with no problems with a much crappier setup.
Intel® Core™ i7-6800K Processor (6x 3.40GHz/15MB L3 Cache) - Intel® Core™ i7-6800K
Memory 16 GB [8 GB X2] DDR4-3000
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 - 8GB - MSI Quicksilver (VR-Ready) - Single Card
Primary Hard Drive = 240 GB Kingston A400 SATA-3 SSD -- Read: 560MB/s; Write: 530MB/s - Single Drive
...I DON'T UNDERSTAND!! PS. I've disabled Origin, online features, fully updated drivers, nothing else running, CPU doesn't even get past 30% usage, AND even on LOW settings it still gets like 60fps. Not this 100+ others are talking about.
The sims runs on 1-2 cores ,your cpu is running those 2 cores at 3.4, 3.6 at maximum if you haven't overclocked,if you compare to someone with a sky/kabylake at 4.5 and up of course you will be slower.

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