Singing throat clearing techniques


Feb 15, 2012
Hello, whenever i sing my throat clogs up and i start coughing and i cant sing clearly and with emotion and powerfully
please help me
i want to sing better and clearly and with information

Hello and welcome to Tom's Hardware Forums.

I think I read once that he best singing comes from way down in the diaphragm and only sort of passes through the throat on its way out. You might pick up some hints from some of the tutorials on YouTube.

Like running, or exercising- when you sing you are working muscles in your throat, and chest & it takes a lot of practice to be able to "read" what your body is trying to tell you.... I had the same issue when I began taking voice lessons at Berry college because the weather was gorgeous but my allergies acted up a lot.. The best solution is to reduce drainage & take care of your vocal chords. Sore throats are a singers worst enemy when it comes to control & clarity. Try a cup of hot tea and drink plenty of fluids to help open up your throat before you sing.. The lessening of tension relieves stress on your vocal chords.. If your throat is draining & it hurts- stop... Don't want to damage anything!
As a professional and successful singer myself, I would tell you that my experience states that when your issues arises, you are not and should not sing. Put down the cigarettes, pick up the booze and lemon juice, and try again. If it continues, you shouldn't sing otherwise you risk breaking your vocal cords forever and will be unable to speak.

A fellow around here named Reynod unfortunately had this happen. He can only squeak when he speaks and if forced to only communicate by means of forums these days. They say he sounded like a sick angel when he used to sing. Now, God has forbidden his golden voice.
So much sorrow for Reynod.
Twas such an angelic voice, now doomed forever to soundo like croakings toads.
If only he has restrained from singing to the mi8sses while trying to make up for accidentally packing his armadillo hat with her sunday best on her trip to her mothers, with no other topper to wear either.
Of course her closing his fingers in the car door didnt help either, as reports from as far as kiwi land said there was this sound of a terrible screaching....