Single 4gb GTX 680 vs. SLI 2gb GTX 760 for Nvidia Surround?


Sep 8, 2013
So Here is my problems guys. Back about 4 months ago I got a new EVGA GTX 680 4gb ftw. The card is amazing hands down. However, I have just ordered a 3rd monitor for surround gaming being that the 600 series can support surround on a single card. I have looked at some benchmarks and the 680 can run them full ultra across the 3 monitors however it does so at only 25-30 fps. I am a bit of a sucker for fps however i do love my pretty graphics. So i was thinking about getting another 680 and running in sli. However, as you may or may not know the evga 680 4gb ftw was discontinued. There are some still on ebay however the prices are jacked up a little and i just started thinking about what i could do instead. So i came up with running two 2gb 760s in sli instead of the 4gb 680. I could sell the 680 for 550-600 on ebay or Craig's list and this would be enough to cover the cost of the 760s. However, I have seen alot of people saying that if you want to go for surround gaming you should go for the 4gb cards. But i know i will get better fps and higher graphic processing power out of the 2 760s but i also want this setup to be able to play future games on the 3 monitors as well. Any insite you guys can bring will be a big help thanks a ton.