Single GTX 680 2GB enough for 2560x1600?


Dec 19, 2013
I am in the market for a new monitor (tired of gaming on 22" lcd Acer with poor colors and brightness) after a recent overhaul of my rig. I am currently running a single EVGA GTX 680 2gb at stock speeds. I am pretty sure I want either 2560x1440 or 1600p monitor @ either 27" or preferrably 30". My question is will a single 680 be enough to play games (like BF4) on decently high settings? Right now I can play with everything set to Ultra. Would I be better off selling my 680 and putting the money towards buying a 780ti (or would THAT even be enough to push 1600p at high settings?) 780ti would be top of my budget with selling my old card.

So you're saying it would be better for me to sell the GTX 680 2GB card and get the 780 Ti if I'm going to be gaming at 1600p? Will that give me better performance than purchasing a second GTX 680 2GB to use in SLI with my current card? The second option is obviously the cheaper of the two, but I've never ran SLI cards before. My current 680 is still quite a beefy card and I hate to part with it if I can still get some use out of it.... Am I really going to see that big of a difference in performance (on 1600p) between the 2GB card vs 3GB?