Skydog Takes Wi-Fi Security to a New Level

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So is this software that gets added to existing routers or is it a router? If it's the latter why start with N and not AC?

Lol. I blocked Facebook on my network, and you should have seen the response from fully grown "adults". Gave temper tantrum a whole new meaning.
Seems like a bad deal, it is more expensive than than many well established competing routers and offers lower specs. and while they are advertising monthly fees,they are selling the router as a prepaid cloud device where a certain price buys you a router that has cloud access for a certain number of years before expiring and possibly no longer functioning properly, or then charging you to renew.

Many routers by companies such as linksys and netgear offer parental controls (though not to the extent of that router, they do not rely on the cloud

Their site list the pricing as " the anticipated market price will be at least $149 for 3 years and $179 for 5 years. "

or a little over $4 a month to use their router. (cloud based hardware is not good for consumers, it adds an additional point of failure as your continued use of the product depends on the running of the companies servers, and also the success of the company (if they go out of business then they are taking your router down to hell with them)

(For example, logitech is selling off the harmony remote line, since they use a cloud service to program their remotes, if they shut down their harmony remote servers, then users with the remote will no longer be able to program their remotes)
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