I recently wiped my Skyrim saves and mods to start from scratch. When I started the game, all characters were T-posed so I downloaded FNIS and ran it. It fixed the T-Poses but now, some specific animations are broken. Currently I've found 2(Maybe More). The running animation with any dagger makes the NPC t-pose and when drawing any weapon, the player/npc slides instead of doing the normal sheathe/unsheathe while running animation. One last issue that doesn't seem to awful is that in the intro sequence. Ralof and the Imperial Officer (Whatever his name is) were T-posed during the Helgen attack while the rest of the town was completely fine.
Does Anybody know how I can fix this? Is it something I'm doing wrong with FNIS?
Does Anybody know how I can fix this? Is it something I'm doing wrong with FNIS?