Skyrim Animations Are Broken, Can't Find a Solution


Jan 18, 2014
I recently wiped my Skyrim saves and mods to start from scratch. When I started the game, all characters were T-posed so I downloaded FNIS and ran it. It fixed the T-Poses but now, some specific animations are broken. Currently I've found 2(Maybe More). The running animation with any dagger makes the NPC t-pose and when drawing any weapon, the player/npc slides instead of doing the normal sheathe/unsheathe while running animation. One last issue that doesn't seem to awful is that in the intro sequence. Ralof and the Imperial Officer (Whatever his name is) were T-posed during the Helgen attack while the rest of the town was completely fine.

Does Anybody know how I can fix this? Is it something I'm doing wrong with FNIS?

let steam verify the games content. its possible there was a corrupt download. otherwise download all the unofficial skyrim patches and optimized vanilla textures. skse would be ideal also along with at least the enboost features of boris's original enb.

I reinstalled the game today, when I played is when I found out the game was glitched. At the time, I didn't have mods.

let steam verify the games content. its possible there was a corrupt download. otherwise download all the unofficial skyrim patches and optimized vanilla textures. skse would be ideal also along with at least the enboost features of boris's original enb.

Just ran FNIS and got no warnings, gonna test Skyrim soon to see if it's fixed.