Skyrim FPS Drop.


Jan 28, 2014
I'm currently playing a modded skyrim, with RealLike enb, turned down some of the settings a little bit, and usually get a stable 40-60 fps, however when I'm in an interior eg. an inn, turning my view to a certain point like a doorway, will cause my fps to drop to about 20 fps, and will go back to normal once I move. Any ideas? Thanks.
My specs:
GPU:Gtx 660 non-ti
CPU-FX 6300

Dude mine 770 and i5 3350p are maxing out skyrim on 1440x900 sometimes i get dips to 57 fps so with this fx and 660 don't expect much of it yeah if its without any texure mods you will get decent frames not sure for the cpu though cause mine is said that isn't good for skyrim yours is even a lower one than mine a bit not much but still