Skyrim FPS game problems


May 6, 2014
I've never been able to have a smooth skyrim experience on my PC. Nvida GeForce 610 GT 2GB Vram, 2.8 Ghz AMD Athlon X2 64 bit, Windows 7 Home Edition, 8GB of Ram, defragmented hard drive, 453 GB of space left, and runs about 60fps on almost all other games. Previously Overclocked. I have many games to test my hardware on. This problem ONLY happens on Skyrim, unless in the upgrade skill screen, where it has 60fps. I don't know why this problem persists. It seems as if I've tried EVERYTHING including a number of different boosts, mods, etc to bring up performance. Still nothing. Any help is appreciated.
I'm just gonna paint this as clearly as I possibly can for you. You run all the other games "so well" and you can't run this one at all. If you're system were compatible and capable you wouldn't be here asking for help. Now we've helped we've told you your system just isn't up to par. Try dropping your resolution down way down and try it. I'm not trying to be mean but understand people are giving you answers and instead of accepting the facts your being stubborn. Now if you were having FPS issue across all games not just this one and it seemed like there was an issue with the gpu or other components we'd be able to help but I'm sorry.

I have EVERYTHING on lowest settings. It doesn't matter what it is. I can run for instance, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Fallout 3 & New Vegas, on almost max settings with a smooth 60fps. Tell me then why I can't run Skyrim on LOWEST SETTINGS with around 10fps even as a clean install OR with performance tweaks and mods. Also not on 1080p Resolution. Only 1368x768.
It is probably your video card.

The GT 610 is a couple generations newer than a GTX 260(Recommended GPU) but still falls way behind in performance, as seen in that link. The Tens place is a performance indicator while the hundreds place is a generation indicator. 60+ is a performance/enthusiast level card while 10 is an entry level card. It may run some games better than others such as games that are more CPU dependent. You simply do not have a lot of GPU muscle and are probably under the recommended requirement.

I would guess those games you mentioned use more of your CPU than your GPU. Skyrim will want to use both, at a high level. The recommended GPU, a GTX 260, has about 4-5 times better performance than a GT 610.
Those games are irrelevant to the bigger picture. they all run on different engines with different optimizations and do things all together differently. Skyrim is a taxing game and the GT 610 isn't even considered an entry level GPU it's what I'd recommend to someone making a pc they use at home and may watch youtube on. In other words it can't handle it. my gt 630 two years ago couldn't handle skyrim on low at more than 30-40fps with lots of dips and just being really not enjoyable. Also your CPU is going to get bogged way down from the proprietary that skyrim is built on.

what are good benchmark tests for gpu's in general? I have 72 FPS with NovaBench on Higher resolutions and higher anti-aliasing than I ever normally use for the GPU test with Max settings.

how can I tell if it's a DX9, DX10, or DX11 game?

I;m downloading the Demo for FutureMark to tell you my score on that.
Any individual FPS score you get is useless information. Benchmark utilities in general should be taken with a grain of salt because graphics drivers are optimized to spit out great scores when using them. Something like 3Dmark might be a little better, but the same rule applies(optimized drivers in benchmark utilities). Skyrim was and still is one of the most graphically demanding games out and you are trying to play it with a video card meant for browsing web pages.

and there you have it...............................
futuremark IS 3dmark... and here's from can-you-run-it "Your computer can run this product because your system meets the Minimum requirements. If you want to see how you can meet all the Recommended requirements to have a great experience, look at the Recommended section below"

Yes benchmark scores aren't clear indicators of a PC's abilities. However your information on drivers is just really weird and doesn't make sense. Futuremark and Unigen create a 3d realtime game enviroment to test more appropriately. it doesnt just stress the hardware.... so really, it's helpful. plus I'm only having him do it because it will place his pc among the "Family Home Computer" so he stops feeling like his 200FPS benchmark in the unknown program is worthy of all the effort he's putting into defending the GT 610 this is the 7th forum post on this exact card about this exact issue. That's just that I've been a part of. They can't handle it. If he had a better CPU to take a little more stress he'd probably move up the chain but, that is irrelevant to this issue.
I'm just gonna paint this as clearly as I possibly can for you. You run all the other games "so well" and you can't run this one at all. If you're system were compatible and capable you wouldn't be here asking for help. Now we've helped we've told you your system just isn't up to par. Try dropping your resolution down way down and try it. I'm not trying to be mean but understand people are giving you answers and instead of accepting the facts your being stubborn. Now if you were having FPS issue across all games not just this one and it seemed like there was an issue with the gpu or other components we'd be able to help but I'm sorry.

sorry I wasn't trying to sound stubborn but I just didn't understand why the other games run fine but this one doesn't. And now that I know that benchmarks aren't accurate clears my confusion of why the scores were so high. I guess Skyrim uses more GPU than CPU. Oh well. Thanks anyways. But if I need to upgrade my GPU, how strong does it need to be and are there any sites or places offering low prices? Again, thanks.
not by much really. if you want to upgrade I'd suggest going to the component forum here at Tom's and posting your full system specs and that you want to upgrade and give them a budget and tell them you want to do some lower end gaming like skyrim

You cant really upgrade very much with that duel core processor. Most current GPUs will be bottlenecked by that possessor.

You could upgrade to a 750ti at best,

Not sure where you live but that's a descent price for the US thats also a good price.