Skyrim - Medium settings?


Nov 2, 2011
Heya guys. I think I finally found a decent gaming laptop, and I think I will go with this little tyrant.

- - CLICK - -

It should run skyrim at 20FPS on medium, and that's very good for a $449.99 laptop.

But before I buy it, can you guys recommend something better? I can't stray more than 500$, and the key things I'm looking for is a good processor and a good graphics card.
What res would you be playing at? (I know it said 1600x900 but thats a little high for that)

Anyways I bet if you played at 1280x720 and Everything medium execpt shadows on Low, you could hit 30FPS+

Thats What I think though. who knows could be extremely optimized and run all medium with 60+ you know.

I'm not a lappy person so I Can't really suggest one sorry.
