Skyrim - Multiple Saves/Mod Lists for Multiple Users


Nov 19, 2014

I am just finishing up my gaming computer and have a few questions about multiple users using Skyrim and mods.

Essentially, my wife and I will both be playing Skyrim and would like to have our own sets of mods (weapons and armor for me, pink horses for her). We both would rather not have to open multiple programs to initiate our respective games. I've looked into Mod Organizer and do not feel the set up is intuitive enough for myself, let alone my wife (who is not into computers/tweaking programs or settings at all). Starting Skyrim would go from a 2-3 step process, to 5-6 steps, including profile changes.

Ideally, I would be able to log in to Steam on my Windows user account and start playing, either by hitting the "Play" button, or by clicking the SKSE icon on my desktop and be able to start playing. Similarly, she would be able to log in to her Windows user account, log in to the same Steam account (on which all the games have been purchased), and start playing in a similar manner.

I also do not want to open my list of mods and be inundated with her list as well, for tidiness and diagnostic purposes. Likewise for her.

I don't know if this means multiple installs of Skyrim, Steam, or even Windows, but this seems like an "issue" that should have a simple solution, but doesn't.

I have a 250GB SSD and 1TB HDD and will be using Windows 8/8.1 for now.

Thank you for your help.
The easiest solution to this would be to purchase two copies.
The nest simplest I have found is at the launcher enabling or disabling mods under the data files.

Luckily, the steam summer sale is going on right now, skyrim is 10 bucks and will likely hit 5 at some point in the sale.
I ended up setting up a dual-boot setup. She has her HDD, I have mine. That way there will be no conflicting mods, no complicated game profiles, etc.

It was simple to set up too. Using Windows 8.1, if anyone cares.