Skyrim only using <4% of my processor


Jan 15, 2015
When I play skyrim on my laprop, i boot it up walk around the town of whiterun at solid 60 fps, then after a bit it drops to 30 fps. Which is annoying, i check task manager it says on using 1% of my processor and half a gig of RAM when my laptop has 16 gig of it. please help i am no expert
What GPU is in your laptop? If it's very weak your CPU won't be doing much.

If it runs ok at start and slows down over time that's a sign it's getting to hot. Common for laptops. Find a way to keep it cooler. (After checking temps to confirm the problem.)

My processor is AMD A10 2.5GHz to 3.5GHz 4 core processor is that alright?
and i live in Australia but my laptop doesnt feel hot
Is windows setup to give you one graph for the CPU, or a graph per core? Make sure you are using one per core so we can see how many cores are being loaded to what %. I think MSI afterburner will show you your GPU usage. How high is your GPU being loaded? I'd also check to see how hot doesn't feel hot to you. System specs?

It is the total across all cores, and I wasn't paused in game i was walking around Whiterun. My Graphics card is AMD HD 8670M 2GB. I just thought skyrim would run a little better on this.