Skyrim Ultra and Cooling/Power Supply Question


Dec 17, 2013
Looking to buy a PC, and really wanna play one game specifically for now: Skyrim on ultra settings. I am learning computer jargon and know the basics. I was wondering if the following specs would meet the "Ultra" standard. Also, need to know of a powerful enough power supply and cooling unit able to run the game (600 watt or more? What brand?). Thanks a lot for the help. I'm still learning. Don't want the game melting or blowing up! Thanks in advance! :)
-- Intel i7 4770
-- Asetek 510LC Liquid Cooling System
-- 8GB G.Skill Ripjaws
-- Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 2GB graphics card OR Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 graphics card.

Thank you!
Since you are not running the 4770 K variant, that cooler should do more than fine. What is the latency on the ram you are picking up? 1600 should do fine if that is what it is. As for the GPU, You should be MORE than fine:,3542-15.html

500W should do you fine and would allow for some upgrades in the future. However, I am a fanboy of the Corsair 760i and would highly recommend it if you wish to push your comp further GPU wise in the future. Either way, spend the extra dough to get a high 80+ rated's worth it in my opinion.

So with all this said...Go for it!
Since you are not running the 4770 K variant, that cooler should do more than fine. What is the latency on the ram you are picking up? 1600 should do fine if that is what it is. As for the GPU, You should be MORE than fine:,3542-15.html

500W should do you fine and would allow for some upgrades in the future. However, I am a fanboy of the Corsair 760i and would highly recommend it if you wish to push your comp further GPU wise in the future. Either way, spend the extra dough to get a high 80+ rated's worth it in my opinion.

So with all this said...Go for it!

Thanks a lot for the quick reply and info! It is a build your own desktop and doesn't specify ram, but I would assume it's 1600. I'll look into it. Thanks again!