Looking to buy a PC, and really wanna play one game specifically for now: Skyrim on ultra settings. I am learning computer jargon and know the basics. I was wondering if the following specs would meet the "Ultra" standard. Also, need to know of a powerful enough power supply and cooling unit able to run the game (600 watt or more? What brand?). Thanks a lot for the help. I'm still learning. Don't want the game melting or blowing up! Thanks in advance! 
-- Intel i7 4770
-- Asetek 510LC Liquid Cooling System
-- 8GB G.Skill Ripjaws
-- Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 2GB graphics card OR Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 graphics card.
Thank you!

-- Intel i7 4770
-- Asetek 510LC Liquid Cooling System
-- 8GB G.Skill Ripjaws
-- Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 2GB graphics card OR Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 graphics card.
Thank you!