Sleep mode weird


Jul 1, 2016
Ok so everytime I put my PC on sleep mode and turn it back on it the fps in my games would go down. I play rust I get around 90-100fps on max settings with the Athlon 860k OC 4.2ghz and the RX 480. And when I take it out of sleep mode i get 30fps then the 90 I'm used to getting but, when I shut down my PC and turn it back on it works fine again. Thanks if you can help!
My guess is your sleep mode is using a ton of your ram to restore, Its in a pagefile, my guess is after you wake your computer from sleep, Check your avaliable ram and memory, Not ram or memory thats in standby, Free memory, If its 0, this is your issue.

I would ctrl alt delete, and check your resource monitor, thats the only explanation for why your sleep affects your gameplay is its ram consumption or the ram consumption of sleep.
My guess is your sleep mode is using a ton of your ram to restore, Its in a pagefile, my guess is after you wake your computer from sleep, Check your avaliable ram and memory, Not ram or memory thats in standby, Free memory, If its 0, this is your issue.

I would ctrl alt delete, and check your resource monitor, thats the only explanation for why your sleep affects your gameplay is its ram consumption or the ram consumption of sleep.