Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition Error 0xc00007b

Deepak Joshi

Apr 1, 2015
Hi guys,My Problem is with Sleeping Dogs Defitive edition.I have window 7 ultimate 64bit.When I launch sdhdship.exe then it gives an error-the application was unable to start correctly(0xc00007b).I have tried all the steps to fix this error but the error is still exist.Steps are
1.Run as administer
2.Reinstall Game,Visual C++ all years,Direct,Updating Graphics Drive etc.
3 Also Update .Net Framework to 4.5.2 and also copy and paste common DLL files to System32 directory.But Nothing Happen.I have tried almost every site that is belong to this error but error is still alive.No I am so frustrate of this error and post my request to best solution site tomshardware.Please Don't brake my trust and give me a right solution for this.I am very excited to play this game.
Thank in Advance.
Sorry for my bad English coz I am a learner.
I don't know if your problem is solved or not....
In case it isn't, just try this-

1.Reinstall the game

2.Install(and update)your visual redistributable C++ , DirectX and all the other redistributables

this worked for me.......


May 26, 2015
I don't know if your problem is solved or not....
In case it isn't, just try this-

1.Reinstall the game

2.Install(and update)your visual redistributable C++ , DirectX and all the other redistributables

this worked for me.......