Sleeping Dogs


Jan 24, 2013
HKSHIP.exe has stopped working.....whenever i play sleeping dogst this error shows up n my game is freezes......what should i do?
Hey are you monitoring your GPU temp while in game ? This Game engine runs amd GPU's hotter than any other game engine out on the current market , my GPU normals are 81C with 99% GPU usage ; will on this game it's 10 mins at 99% GPU ussage im pushing 90C which is not good at all , so check that first

how do i monitor my gpu temp?

my pc specs are.....i7 3rd generation processor,2gb graphic card amd radeon hd7730,8gb ram,,,dell inspiron 15r7520 se
You should download MSI afterburner to give an ingame overlay in 1 corner which will display useful info such as the time, gpu usage, temperature, memory usage etc.

Or you could get HWmonitor and leave it open whilst you game and then upon finishing/crashing read the max temperature of your GPU (and maybe CPU).

I take it that you are running this game on a laptop? I literally bought this game now (i am writing this whilst it downloads) so if it is game specific I might not be able to provide the best help at the moment.
Most people don't like to go above 80C on any GPU , i find 83C to be fine , but anything above that i normaly get errors or crashes so i don't let it go above 83C via MSI after burner custom fan control