G GraySenshi Reputable Apr 15, 2016 758 0 4,990 Apr 18, 2016 #1 This is my first sli configuration and I was wondering on how I should cool my gpus without spending to much money and keep safe temps not overclocking the cards yet later on when I learn more on custom water blocks and such
This is my first sli configuration and I was wondering on how I should cool my gpus without spending to much money and keep safe temps not overclocking the cards yet later on when I learn more on custom water blocks and such
Solution bjornl Apr 18, 2016 GraySenshi : Im using the nzxt switch was that a good or bad pick for this It is a fine case with good reviews. I prefer the Fractal Design r5 as it has no window, is a little wider (more air) and has some sound deadening material. But I would not replace my nzxt unless I had fitment or cooling problerms. Don't fix it unless you see a problem.
GraySenshi : Im using the nzxt switch was that a good or bad pick for this It is a fine case with good reviews. I prefer the Fractal Design r5 as it has no window, is a little wider (more air) and has some sound deadening material. But I would not replace my nzxt unless I had fitment or cooling problerms. Don't fix it unless you see a problem.
bjornl Honorable Mar 16, 2016 2,962 2 10,965 Apr 18, 2016 #2 Keep the case temps low. This means have good airflow and smart postioned case fans. Also, I would position a fan to blow cool air between. Upvote 0 Downvote
Keep the case temps low. This means have good airflow and smart postioned case fans. Also, I would position a fan to blow cool air between.
G GraySenshi Reputable Apr 15, 2016 758 0 4,990 Apr 18, 2016 #3 Im using the nzxt switch was that a good or bad pick for this Upvote 0 Downvote
G GraySenshi Reputable Apr 15, 2016 758 0 4,990 Apr 18, 2016 #4 Im using the nzxt switch was that a good or bad pick for this Upvote 0 Downvote
bjornl Honorable Mar 16, 2016 2,962 2 10,965 Apr 18, 2016 Solution #5 GraySenshi : Im using the nzxt switch was that a good or bad pick for this It is a fine case with good reviews. I prefer the Fractal Design r5 as it has no window, is a little wider (more air) and has some sound deadening material. But I would not replace my nzxt unless I had fitment or cooling problerms. Don't fix it unless you see a problem. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
GraySenshi : Im using the nzxt switch was that a good or bad pick for this It is a fine case with good reviews. I prefer the Fractal Design r5 as it has no window, is a little wider (more air) and has some sound deadening material. But I would not replace my nzxt unless I had fitment or cooling problerms. Don't fix it unless you see a problem.
G GraySenshi Reputable Apr 15, 2016 758 0 4,990 Apr 18, 2016 #6 Is 86 high I can't remember but I think I seen 89 Upvote 0 Downvote
bjornl Honorable Mar 16, 2016 2,962 2 10,965 Apr 18, 2016 #7 86 is a little high. I rarely hit 80c. Upvote 0 Downvote