SLI a 2nd GTX 960 (2G) or wait for a new GPU?


May 1, 2015
GPU's are almost starting to sell for reasonable prices, but... currently my 960 isn't the biggest bottleneck in my PC. I'm starting a new AMD 2600X build and thought I'd keep the 960 and maybe SLI pair it (inexpensively) and get a slight GPU performance boost - and replace them later. On the other hand, I've heard that SLI performance in only 2Gb memory GPU's can be minimal. So... wait or try the SLI pairing anyway? PSU is 850w, so power shouldn't be an issue - Not buying a 4k monitor (this year) so I don't need max frame rates

I wasn't going to replace the GPU this year anyway unless there is a great November sale and all of the cypto-miners go die in a fire.

I was more concerned about the likelihood of very minimal SLI performance with two 2Gb cards not making even a cheap (sub-$100) additional 960 worth the time/effort. Doesn't SLI really need at least 3GB to adequately perform?? 50% performance improvement at 2k... great, but if only 20-25% improvement, then Meah... not worth it - replace the GPU.