sli and my cpu


Feb 20, 2017
hi guys i wanted to ask before i go with sli i want to add another asus strix gtx 1080 in my biuld but i red online that my cpu could cuase me problems goes they say its not good for SLI my cpu is i7-5820K Six-Core 3.30 GHz not overclocked that bring me to my next piont doeas overclocking my cpu help with sli and my psu is RM850X thx guys
I think you got some bad info. Your CPU should be fine to SLI a pair of 1080's.

But I suggest you don't. SLI is more of a pain then anything. Many games won't use the 2nd card at all. Others will use it poorly. Some game will use both cards but there will be graphical anomalies. Abd of course some games will work just fine.

I think you'd be happier with a single 1080ti card. Sell the 1080 and the price of the 1080ti won't be that bad. It will be quieter, won't consume much power and there won't be the constant struggle to get everything to work as it should.

should i wait for msi and asus and other to release there 1080 ti or should i go with the founders edition

The Founder's Edition is very good. But we know from the resent past that the customized ones which will follow in a few weeks are likely to be at least a little better and around the same price. How badly do you need to to go faster than your current 1080 card allows?

If it were me, I'd hold out until I really felt the need.

i am afraid if i waited the price for stix 1080 will go down and how much u think i can sell mine for i bought it one month ago and in exellent condition they are selling the 1080ti 800 pound here in the uk i dont know how much i can sell it

I don't sell things in the UK, and so I know nothing about your market. There is only one way to be certain and that is to put it on the market and see what it gets. You can check and see what their used prices are. Keep in mind you won't get as good a price as a reseller on Amazon. Check ebay and maybe even sell it on ebay? In the states the quick and easy sales happen on craigslist. In Norway it would be on Perhaps there is a similar UK site for you to use?

If it was only a month ago, are you in the return window to just send it back?
