SLI Gtx 650 Ti BOOST Or Gtx 760?


Aug 1, 2014

I was wondering if I would be better off SLI'ing Gtx 650 Ti BOOST's or having a single Gtx 760.
I currently have 1 Gtx 650 Ti BOOST, and with the new games coming out I think It's time to upgrade. Another question, pending on the chosen better gpu setup, how long will it last me as far as running games on Med-High settings at good FPS?

(P.S) Can't find any Gtx 650 Ti BOOST's anywhere, did they get recalled?

Get a GTX 760, there are many reasons why:

1. No SLI troubles if you encounter them.
2. like you said the boost models simply dissapeared.
3. If you SLI the 650 ti boost, you will have to get an entirely new graphics card and throw those two gpus out when they get old.
4. And GTX 760 has better SLI performance, should you choose to do so later on.
Get a GTX 760, there are many reasons why:

1. No SLI troubles if you encounter them.
2. like you said the boost models simply dissapeared.
3. If you SLI the 650 ti boost, you will have to get an entirely new graphics card and throw those two gpus out when they get old.
4. And GTX 760 has better SLI performance, should you choose to do so later on.