sli gtx 680 classified or gtx 780ti

classifieds and lightnings have been holding the world records for a few years now for both nvidia and amd.

a single card is easier to deal with... and a 780ti classy can be clocked to 1.3ghz no problem on air and will more than handle all 1080/1440p gaming business.

ftw vs classy... its up to you... do you want to flash a custom bios and play around with higher voltages power targets... do you ever intend on water cooling? if no, then the classified might not be for you.... unless you want to feel comfortable have the highest quality components.

and no water cooling i dont think im knowlagable of water cooling so no i just want the best quality GPU
evga has the best customer service and warranty by far. any one of their models will make you happy. if you want to feel secure having extreme quality vrms/mosfets, a highly binned chip and no crappy elpida memory, and the best voltage controller available all on a wide body custom pcb with much larger fans and thus, quieter while providing the best possible air cooling compared to any other model(with the lightning being the only other possible contender)... get the classified.

i have no idea whats all that im building my first pc but just the best of that specific GPU

also the gtx 680 classified power cord what is that weird looking cord next to it and is it required to power the GPU or just use the power cables