SLI GTX 770 4G or Single GTX 780 - 3 - 1440p or 1 - 1440p and 2 - 1080p


Dec 18, 2013
I was going to buy 2 - GTX 770 4GB, but didn't go through with it because I remembered reading about how another 770 will provide performance of course but the 4GB on the extra card would in a way be useless. please correct me if I'm wrong.

So I want to run a 1440p monitor as my main, and probably 1080p for the other two monitors. Having 1440p on the other two monitors is still up for debate due to the 4gb vs 3gb on the models. I just need some honest advice if SLI - 770 4GB will provide better for me than a single 780 going the way of 3 - 1440p or not. Especially now that the Ti came out prices have dropped and I want to do this before a new i7 comes out even though its been delayed.

2 - SLI 770 4GB
1 - 780 3GB

If its confusing please just ask to clarify.

Thank you,
Your best bet would be going for titan black. I believe the titan black will be able to handle all 3 monitors. Thou at a price u will have to pay.
Why not just get the 780 ti? I'm assuming you already have a gtx 770 4gb? If that is the case then just get a second 770 4gb. Will be your best option for performance per dollar at that point. If you have no cards right now and $700+ to spend and want to stay with nvidia get the 780 ti...but 770 sli will be much better than a single 780.

No I don't own a 770 4GB, I was going to buy it but stopped so I could ask some questions before I made any mistake. I could go for a 780 Ti. But I honestly don't know if even say a single or SLI 780 will keep up or be more productive in price/performance. I see that your saying 2 - 770 4GB will be better than 1 - 780 but what about the second 4GB on the 770 will it have any extra use or is it dead weight due to the main 770's 4GB.
The 770 sli should perform like the GTX 690, both performance and power consumption wise, meaning that you will outperform a 780 Ti at the cost of a beefier electricity bill and having to take a deeper look at your case thermals, and the usual stuttering issues related to sli.

Knowing the rest of your system would help to offer further help.

My build is still in process but this is the basics i'm gonna start off with and than work from this pretty much

i7 4770k
Asus Z87 deluxe/pro
16 GB Ram
750-1000 watt power supply (depending on graphics etc.)
1TB Samsung Evo SSD/Crucial 960GB SSD
3 - 3TB 72,000 RPM (got em already)
1 - 1440p and 2 - 1080p or 3 - 1440p

obviously full size case, burner, etc.

in that list whats probably gonna change slightly will be the power supply, and motherboard, monitors, the rest i'm pretty much set on. The new Asus Rampage Black looks so nice but I doubt i'll get it unless the price dropped, plus its not even 1150 socket.
getting 2 4gb 770's would not mean you have 4+4=8gb of video ram each card has to use its ram to function so say if you had a 4gb 770 and a 3gb 770 you would only be able to use 3gb it can only use as much ram as the lowest card has. What do you plan to do with this system? Is it meant for gaming?

i know 2 4GB cards don't equal 8GB, my system will be used for gaming, video encoding and programming.
So any idea on what I should do about the graphics card situation.. Would 1 - 780 Ti than handle 3 - 1440p monitors. I don't care about playing on ultra settings or that crap, I just don't want problems with my monitors and such. Than I guess down the line when the 780 Ti comes down in price I could just get another. I just want to be able to do whats right now for the future in a sense.
Sorry for the delay.

Let's do some math:

3 1440p monitors have 2560*1440*3 = 11059200 pixels
1 4K monitor have 3840*2160 = 8294400 pixels

We do have benchmarks for the 780 Ti at 4K and your expected resolution have roughly 30% more pixels to render. Thankfully, the performance of the GPU is fairly lineal with the pixel count, so you can in fact expect 30% less fps than a 780 Ti working at 4K. Now to do your homework go surf the web and look at benchmarks for the 780 Ti@4K to get the idea of what you should expect (hint: in this same site they have those kind of benchmarks).

What size are your monitors? I like 1080p it works for me but 1440 just looks crisp. I just don't want to go out and buy X graphics card a screw myself.

24 inch, they are dell u2412m.
I am also doing something like this. I want 1440p surround. Right now I have 1 PB278Q and 1 780 ti. Honestly I am surprised.. the 780 ti does not do so good with max settings on this resolution for me. I think that could be because of a bottleneck from my cpu, but i dont know. I am running a 3570k at 4.5. I will be upgrading to a 4770k on an asus maximus iv formula next month. I'm also getting 1 more 780 ti. I am however a little wary about getting 2 more Pb278Q's if 1 EVGA 780 ti SC cant handle its self that well on 1 1440p monitor. Bear in mind.. at max graphics settings. soo.. Do you guys think its just a bottleneck?