sli gtx 980


Apr 13, 2015
So with my build I have decided it would be best to come down to z97 mobo and down to a 4790k cpu... with the extra money I can sli 2 gtx 980s. Is it worth it? Also this is air cooled so would it be safe to do. Last but not least I am going to have a evga g2 1000w power supply is that enough or overkill?
Generally the temperature ranges from 80 to 83 Celsius when playing a very demanding games...
The odd time the temperatures might increase to 84 and almost never 85 Celsius however then fan kicks in and lowers the temperatures ...

"Below 91 should be okay"

You have many options.

1. Set the fan to 55-60% all the time which should get you below 80 most of the time.
2. Set a costume fan profile.
3. Lower the max temperature to 80 and the max will not exceed 82 c

The Auto settings are designed to keep the card as quiet as possible and this was set up by Nvidia Engineers and is safe.
My boost clock without an OC is usually 1202 mhz everything on stock with some fluctuations if you lower your temp target or do worse in silicon lottery...
1440p but really want good fps when a 4k monitor comes out that is after than 60 mhz I plan on getting it. But the asus rog swift seems like the best on the market for resolution and frame rates

I suggest you get 1 Titan X... The Extra Vram will be helpful when you transition to 4k.
Cm storm stryker only fan I added in it was the cpu fan. Which is also a cooler master. Other than that it's stock fans which seem pretty decent and the case has high reviews for airflow. So sli 980's are good on air?

You can increase the fan speed and a single Titan X will be cool...

SLI configurations with 2x 980 will also run hot.
Best monitor out for games on an Nvidia rig right now, hands down. Also, if it shows up with dead pixels, you'd deal with Amazon or Newegg, not Acer.

As for airflow, you'll be fine with the Cooler Master Storm Stryker. The 980s are cool for top cards. Just fill the case with as many intakes as possible, and you'll never have to worry about it. Those cards don't need water cooling. You can put something like an H100i in there to kill two birds with one stone if you want. It'll cool the CPU and increase airflow, but it's not entirely necessary.

One of my friends has the Acer and his was perfect out of the box... The Acer has better picture quality however it has more input lag...

2 x 980's are okay for some games however @ 1440p some games are using more than 4 gb of vram...

GTA V is using close to 4 gb of vram @ 1440p without MSAA for me.

I wouldn't use 980's for anything above 2k gaming...

As said before, 980's with only have 4GB of VRAM is going to not be the greatest for 4k. Getting a single Titan X. While it would be a bit less GPU Power, having the extra 8GB of RAM will prove to be much better for 4k. Also allows you to in the future pair a 2nd one and without question could support 4k.

Plus, don't have to deal with the headache that is SLI. Especially if you come across a game that supports for 4k but doesn't support SLI.

You will be absolutely ok with it being air cooled. As others have said so long as you have proper air flow. The cooler that's on the Titan, while not the greatest, it's what nvidia designed specifically for this card. This is the cooler that they used to run their tests and do any benchmarking of the card.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that cooler does a very good job. It's the same as on the 780 ti, which runs hot. The cooler keeps my card at the target 80 C no matter how much I OC, and the fan never ramps up to 100% unless I manually set it that high, in which case the card can't even reach 80 C during a stress test. The TItan X would be the same. There's more cooling potential in that cooler than you actually need, which is why is runs fairly quiet.
Ok. Like I said the only reason I doubted it was I read people hitting 85 Celsius while gaming so it freaked me out. But yall have sold me especially with the guy who is a current owner. Now should I get a 1440p 144hz monitor or 4k but just deal with the 60mhz? I can always grab a 4k monitor later on when it gets established. What's best for now to the next 5 years?
Generally the temperature ranges from 80 to 83 Celsius when playing a very demanding games...
The odd time the temperatures might increase to 84 and almost never 85 Celsius however then fan kicks in and lowers the temperatures ...

"Below 91 should be okay"

You have many options.

1. Set the fan to 55-60% all the time which should get you below 80 most of the time.
2. Set a costume fan profile.
3. Lower the max temperature to 80 and the max will not exceed 82 c

The Auto settings are designed to keep the card as quiet as possible and this was set up by Nvidia Engineers and is safe.
My boost clock without an OC is usually 1202 mhz everything on stock with some fluctuations if you lower your temp target or do worse in silicon lottery your results could be different...

I suggest you go with 1440p 144hz if you like FPS games like BF4 & CS GO. I suggest you try both the ROG swift and the Acer and select the one you like better. If you're buying this for games like GTA V, AC Unity and you want better image then quality you might want to get the new ROG 4k IPS monitor and 2 x Titan X's if you have the budget...

Personally I'm going to wait until a very powerful pascal card comes out and get a 4k 144 hz monitor if they become available.

I have the swift and it's the best looking TN panel on the Market however it doesn't look as good as a High end PLS/IPS panel but it's good enough for gaming in my opinion. I'm certainly enjoying it...