SLI GTX970 Upgrade options


Feb 12, 2016
I currently have a rig with a GTX970 G1 from Gigabyte. I'm looking to throw in another video card for SLI since I'm going to be jumping up to 2560 x 1440. I know that I don't have to stick with the same brand and make of video card, but I'm wondering what sort of hit in performance I would take if I bought a Zalman for $280 instead of another G1 for $330.

Is the performance difference between the two in SLI worth an extra 50 bucks?

Thanks in advance for all your help!
I have 2 GTX 980's in SLI and they scale very well. I can see 75-99% GPU utilization in every game I have that supports SLI, and get between 100-200+ FPS on Max settings at 1080p and typically 60-90 FPS at 5760x1200 nVidia Surround.