sli motherboard under 100

If you want SLI ,I would go MSI Z97S SLI Plus ,Tier Two board have nice quality ,support SLI and have good value in that price.

Motherboard tier list: Z97 chipset
Tier Two: High end. Great MoBos, SLI capable with good enough thermals and power to take up any CPU, not the best for extreme OCing but do OC very well. Have many premium features as well. Quality is good, no known persistent issues.


Motherboard: MSI Z97S SLI Plus ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($90.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $90.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-07 20:11 EST-0500
If you want SLI ,I would go MSI Z97S SLI Plus ,Tier Two board have nice quality ,support SLI and have good value in that price.

Motherboard tier list: Z97 chipset
Tier Two: High end. Great MoBos, SLI capable with good enough thermals and power to take up any CPU, not the best for extreme OCing but do OC very well. Have many premium features as well. Quality is good, no known persistent issues.


Motherboard: MSI Z97S SLI Plus ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($90.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $90.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-07 20:11 EST-0500
Howdy clutchc,

They are actually 16X 3.0 in one slot, and 4X 2.0 in the other. The 4X 2.0 is probably provided by the chipset, so would not make a very good link for SLI to the PCIE in the first slot that is provided by the PCIE controller on the CPU. (which is why there is no official support).

It's obvious now that I look close at the boards. They only have a single PCIe x16 slot. Duh...
I just assumed an ATX board with a Z97 chipset would be SLI/CF ready today. That's what I get for being careless.

@OP. My apologies if I led you astray. Thanks to Mdocod, that has been corrected.