[SLI Ready?] Am i?


Feb 2, 2016
Hey, I got a question.

I'm about to buy a second GTX 1070 Gaming X. (So i can go SLI)

But i'm not sure if my I7 4790K will bottleneck?

Anyone who can says if it does or doesn't?
No it won't bottleneck those 1070

Your current CPU is still a pretty strong one. You should face no problems with it at all.

Just make sure your PSU can handle both GPUs and your case has a good air flow for the extra heat generated.

If anything, i'd recommend getting a GTX 1080 instead of "SLIing" the 1070. It will prevent you from some headache because of graphical problems caused by SLI.
No it won't bottleneck those 1070

Your current CPU is still a pretty strong one. You should face no problems with it at all.

Just make sure your PSU can handle both GPUs and your case has a good air flow for the extra heat generated.

If anything, i'd recommend getting a GTX 1080 instead of "SLIing" the 1070. It will prevent you from some headache because of graphical problems caused by SLI.
I wouldn't go with SLI, too many issues with microstutter and not all games work with SLI. First question is what resolution are you gaming at? If you are at 1080p you'll be wasting your money with SLI 1070s. If you are at 1440p, you only need 1 1070. If you are at 4k, why not sell your 1070 and just buy a 1080 to minimalize your possible issues. As for the bottleneck, the 4790k will not bottleneck any current GPUs.

I didn't update the list yet (Sorry)

I now own a MSI SLI Krait Edition.


I'm playing in 4K Resolution now.

I'm mostly playing Bf1, TC The Division/Rainbow Six Siege, GTA V. (All SLI Supported. -Via NVidia Website-)

And i won't go with 1. Because i spended already alot Money in my PC & stuff. And i don't want to sell my 1070 (Which i bought a few months ago) and buy a single 1080. While in alot Benchmarks a 1070 SLI is better then a single 1080.

And how big is the change for microstutter in SLI Supported games?


I don't know which one exactly. But it's 500 Watts. (Which is to low)

I'm about to buy a 850 watts one from Corsair. I know it's going to be 1 with green letters 😛