X xeph_ Honorable Jun 12, 2015 102 1 10,685 Aug 4, 2015 #1 When running furmark without the donut, i get over 3000 fps and i hear a very slight coil whine from my msi gaming 4g 970, is it something to worry about, it doesnt happen when under normal load, thank your for your help
When running furmark without the donut, i get over 3000 fps and i hear a very slight coil whine from my msi gaming 4g 970, is it something to worry about, it doesnt happen when under normal load, thank your for your help
RobCrezz Expert Ambassador Mar 14, 2013 19,077 99 75,190 Aug 4, 2015 Solution #2 Nope thats totally normal. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution