Slow 2.4ghz on some devices


Feb 1, 2017
I have a Netgear R6250. This is a dual band router. I have an Xbox one, a Roku 3, and a tablet on the 5ghz band. On the 2.4ghz I have 3 rokus, a laptop and a tablet. The rokus farthest from the router and also the tablet on the 2.4 side have good signal but slow speeds. Most of the time they show 5MBS, sometimes 10. I had the 2.4 on channel 6 per consulting with Netgear. They will no longer help with out paying $80 more. I am getting the speeds from the routers network map. The 5ghz side all have excellent speeds. My ISP is 60max. Can anyone suggest a possible fix or any help at all. I have a couple old routers I thought of setting up as repeaters. But I'm not sure it will help

Where do I find this tool? I changed the router channel to auto yesterday. It helped the tablet briefly, then it went back down. Also, I live out in the country. Nearest neighbor is almost a 1/4mile away. So I don't think congestion could be the problem but I am willing to try almost anything.

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