Slow boot times caused by SSD?


Nov 2, 2015
So i recently started experiencing slow boot times. (About 6x slower than usual) and i i have been trying to narrow down the cause for weeks now but i think i finally figured it out.

So when i check my boot drives and select my SSD it says there is no boot device selected and i must plug in/select a drive.

It isn't like the cable is broken though because i can still run games off the SSD and my OS still runs no problem.

So i guess my question is, can a hdd be set to boot drive and slow down boot times even though the ssd has the OS on it?
Did you unplug the other hdds , if / when you installed windows on the ssd?

Is the ssd's firmware up to date?

Also if it's hanging on the post screen, when you turn it on, this can mean the system is finding it hard to read one of the hdds (it doesnt mean the ssd is the prob).

This can also mean one of the hdds is faulty. And this is whats making it lag. And why it's taking longer to boot into windows

Is anything like flash drives plugged in as well / external hdd's?? This wont help things

I haven't tried only using the SSD. I guess i should have haha. Im in the middle of a flight sim flight right now, give me a little bit here and i will try using only the SSD.

Which drive testing software do you recommend?

Whatever the brand of the hdd is, go to their site

You can have probs if you have other hdds connected, if you're installing on a hdd /sdd.

Sometimes the bootloader when windows is installed can end up on the wrong hdd.

And if you remove or format that hdd, the hdd or ssd you installed windows on can end up as a non bootable hdd

Which according to some posts in here, can happen

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