[SOLVED] Slow boot up time and 10 sec stalling in safe mode, right when it hits classpnp.sys ?

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May 6, 2024
How do i fix this problem? Classpnp.sys stalls for 10 sec until getting to safe mode. I tried updating drivers (scsi), sfc, malwarebytes, disk cleanup, everything. Someone help

Motherboard: P35-DS3 rev 2.1
GPU: GT 730
CPU: Q9550 OC to 3.4 GHZ
RAM: Kingston 2x1 GB 333 mhz and PQI CORP 400 MHz 2X1 GB
2 SSDs and 1 HDD
HDD used for storage and other stuff
SSD ADATA SU650 with XP and 7 dual boot
And SSD Samsung 870 EVO with Tiny10
OS: Windows 7

If you need more info ask please!
What are you using the computer for? Internet? Old games?

Here is some related post regarding the same issue, see of one of those is helpful:

What are you using the computer for? Internet? Old games?

Here is some related post regarding the same issue, see of one of those is helpful:

Internet and retro gaming, correct.

Thanks, will be looking at this you sent me!
Internet, yes?

With that old OS that haven't got any security updates for years, that's like an open door for all kind of worms and malware attacks.

What firewall/antivirus do you use on those OS'es ?
Internet, yes?

With that old OS that haven't got any security updates for years, that's like an open door for all kind of worms and malware attacks.

What firewall/antivirus do you use on those OS'es ?
Windows 10: Avast
Windows 7: Malwarebytes, I even updated it fully using Legacy Update (I had a fully updated machine in 2023 but I formatted it since it had useless apps)
Windows XP: Comodo Firewall

I use my common sense to protect myself from viruses and never click on shady links. I mainly use this to watch yt/browse stuff like a 2nd screen pretty much.

And for XP i have the edition for AMD64 compatible processors (the one from 2005, Pro X64 edition) and that version is fully utilised using Legacy Update aswell, except Tiny10 which i installed for fun (I use it once every week day)
Ok so you have at least some protection in place. What about backup (personal files) in case it still get to pick up some nasty ransomware ?
Oh I do not have any personal files, I keep them all seperately on my laptop (so pretty much my backup files are on a seperate device, these OSes are just there to be used sometimes to browse pretty much).

I do not think I got any viruses, I did scan using AVG and Malwarebytes, and no viruses, so pretty much I do not seem affected!
Ok that's fine. Did the links I gave you provided any solution ?
Fixed it! I went to msconfig, and went to Startup, disabled the useless apps, and boot times are super fast now, I needed to disable ETCall application (that is a exe that calls EasyTune5, Gygabyte's OC and Tweaking utility, and I did that, now it is fast, takes 16 sec to boot from Boot Manager to the Log-On screen, with services)
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