Slow computer after upgrade.


Aug 30, 2015
So I just upgraded my motherboard to my PC, as well as the case and added LED. The thing is, is my CPU fan noise is rather noisy (water cooler) and on SpeedFan it states that the core temps are 50+ C although my CPU temp is sitting at a stable 43C (idle). Is that a problem with my thermal past job, I did the bean method but I may have made it to small? In The geoforce program it states that I cannot connect to Nvidia, when my internet is currently working.
I unselected best answer per your request.

As you have found out, a liquid cooler can be just as noisy, fo go more so.

Here is my stock rant on liquid coolers, but it is a moot point since you already have one.

Possibly the cooler is failing; You should get good temperatures at idle at least.

Or... Possibly your case has poor airflow.
Take the covers off and see if the problem gets better.
If it does, then look at case cooling.

My canned rant on liquid cooling:
------------------------start of rant-------------------
You buy a liquid cooler to be able to extract an extra multiplier or two out of your OC.
How much do you really need?
I do not much like all in one liquid coolers when a good air cooler like a Noctua or phanteks can...

I changed to a H97M and got a Cooler master closed loop cooler, thats pretty much it besides the case.

What was your old motherboard?
What is your cpu?
What is your graphics card?
What is your psu?

Why did you want to change out your case?
From what to what?

H81M-S2PV-> H97M
Intel pentium G3258
660 sc reference card
8GB ram
At idle, I would expect 10-15c. over ambient with the stock intel cooler.
Less with a water cooler if it was mounted well.
Is there any thermal throttling?
Stress with occt and monitor the temperatures and vcore.

When you changed motherboards, did you overclock the G3258 to the same level as before?


oopps made you t he solution xD, no I never overclocked the CPU, but I planned on doing that when I installed my CPU cooler, but ive encountered so many problems, I just want to fix That for t he moment. should I re Apply thermal paste and cooler? Oh And I updated my Display drivers and now there is no more on screen lag, the tabs are back to normal and everything is good, although my rig is still pretty loud.
I unselected best answer per your request.

As you have found out, a liquid cooler can be just as noisy, fo go more so.

Here is my stock rant on liquid coolers, but it is a moot point since you already have one.

Possibly the cooler is failing; You should get good temperatures at idle at least.

Or... Possibly your case has poor airflow.
Take the covers off and see if the problem gets better.
If it does, then look at case cooling.

My canned rant on liquid cooling:
------------------------start of rant-------------------
You buy a liquid cooler to be able to extract an extra multiplier or two out of your OC.
How much do you really need?
I do not much like all in one liquid coolers when a good air cooler like a Noctua or phanteks can do the job just as well.
A liquid cooler will be expensive, noisy, less reliable, and will not cool any better
in a well ventilated case.
Liquid cooling is really air cooling, it just puts the heat exchange in a different place.
The orientation of the radiator will cause a problem.
If you orient it to take in cool air from the outside, you will cool the cpu better, but the hot air then circulates inside the case heating up the graphics card and motherboard.
If you orient it to exhaust(which I think is better) , then your cpu cooling will be less effective because it uses pre heated case air.
And... I have read too many tales of woe when a liquid cooler leaks.
google "H100 leak"
-----------------------end of rant--------------------------

Your pc will be quieter, more reliable, and will be cooled equally well with a decent air cooler.

Luckily for me I have the cooler in a inverted case, so if the cooler does leak, it will drip onto no components, I also do plan on over clocking, but not to much. I will also, when I get the time, change the direction of the cooling fan as I have it set on exhaust, is ther anything I can do without removing the fan as it is a pain? I have no room for a air cooler unl;ess it is a low profile which can get quit expensive and loud. (case= Prodigy M midnight black)

Luckily for me I have the cooler in a inverted case, so if the cooler does leak, it will drip onto no components, I also do plan on over clocking, but not to much. I will also, when I get the time, change the direction of the cooling fan as I have it set on exhaust, is ther anything I can do without removing the fan as it is a pain? I have no room for a air cooler unl;ess it is a low profile which can get quit expensive and loud. (case= Prodigy M midnight black)

So *Update*

I finally got around to re applying thermal paste to my CPU, think I put a little to much I kinda did a t but with the dash lower, similar to a + and my temperatures decreased by 20-30C!! I am now getting 20-30C when on 10-30% CPU usage and 30-40C on 50-80% CPU usage, so I assume I would get 50-60C when I game? any ways, my old thermal paste job was very sloppy, it leaned to the far left of the CPU and the right was EMPTY 😛 must have been when I was screwing on the cooler I antecedently did the two screws on the left then I did the right xD
For anyone having simular issues to me here are the problems.
SO I did some Testing and I replaced my CPU cooler fan with a more quit one and put the cooler fan under the cooler, beside the hard drive, the thing is my temperatures are still fairly high, when idle I get 35C and when gaming I get close to 60C, I am starting to think that it may be my thermal paste job, but I want to try absolutely everything before I redo the thermal paste. also with SpeedFan (If you know) it wont let me control one of my fans plugged into the motherboard? its plugged into the pwr fan_1 I believe.