Slow DOwnload rate with ie or firefox


Jun 9, 2012
i got 33mbs net connection speed and my issue is when ever i try to download a file using fire fox i get 350kb max. but when i download something from my library through steam i get my regular 2mbs download rate what can cause this?


Jun 9, 2012
its been happening all week. ive tried ie, chrome as well. various files. when ever I dl from steam it gives me 2 mbs which im suppose to be getting its just the net browsers giving me issues ive fresh installed fire fox same issue


Jun 9, 2012
so i tried ie, firefox, chrome with that speed test got some pretty poor results. im running windows 8 beta 32 bit is there a known issue with it? i reformatted my pc this morning to see if it was cause of ad-ware still pretty slow download rate but when i dl something in my steam libary im getting full dl speed and dl about 2mbs but anything from a browser is 350kb if im lucky and since everything is from a fresh install i know i have no add ons that i dl'ed for any of the browsers


Jun 9, 2012
im sorry im not tech savy. but i went to that test your speed site says i got average dl speed of 5mbs when i know i pay for the 33mbs and theres something definitely wrong with my net at the moment i mean earlier i was doing a preload on steam for a game coming out and it was fluctuating between 1.0-1.7 mbs i mean thats how many mb its dl a second im sorry if this is confusing everyone. idk whats wrong i am call my isp i think i just thought it was weird how bad my firefox and chrome were acting up compared to my steam being a little slow i mean i haven't had 350kbs a second rate in years way back when i was on dsl

right now it says 250KB/s i should be getting a couple mbs per second =S
250KB/s = 2Mb/s

it takes two to tango. You might have a 30Mb/s download connection BUT that does not mean that you can download a file at that speed since the server that hosts the file might only have a 2Mb/s upload connection.

Therefore you will only download the file at 2Mb/s or 250KB/s

If you pay for 30Mb/s and only get 5Mb/s download, you might want to check with you ISP and see if they are having a problem in your area.


Jun 9, 2012
yeah called em and they are having issues. i know when u pay for something thats max and they depends on how many people are sharing your connection i just dont understand why im getting crap dl rates on ie,firefox,chrome yet steam is going 4 times faster still steam is a little slower then normal but i just dont get why such a huge speed difference. i have no add ons for either of my browsers since i just did a complete reformat