Slow Download Speed, Fast Upload speed. [Solved]


May 26, 2014
Hello everyone.

I've been dealing with an issue for a while now and after trying a few different things.. I'm running out of ideas.

Here's the situation:



I'd like to add that, this happens only on my desktop/windows pc.
It's no affecting my laptops (linux, w10) iMac, phone, etc.

This is what I have tried so far:

Countless: PC resets. Router resets, >ipconfig /release /renew, plug in/out TP-Link WA
Wireless adapter: 300Mbps Mini Wireless N USB Adapter TL-WN823N
Router: ZTE F660 v2.2

Reformatted and fresh installed windows.

Uninstalling XFast Lan ( It went up by 1.2mbs. I'll uninstall/reinstall all my AsRock drivers again and see if it changes anything.
MB:AsRock H61M-VG3

Drivers should be up to date. Except for windows, I'm running (updated) w7u x64 on my desktop.

TP-Link Utility ( as well as my router's. Didn't work as I don't seem to be able to actually change things.

Social activities/calling ISP. They have no idea what's causing it. Asked if my ISP was throttling me, they said nope. Makes sense, since this seems like an isolated problem.

Tried to change my security > WPA-PSK /WPA2-PSK to WPA/WPA2.

Any suggestions?

After another fresh install (windows+drivers) this is what I've got:

15-18 Dw speed. 10Up speed. Should be 28-30

Still not there yet. Not sure what's causing this either.

Update 2
Back to square one. Today I turn on my computer to find out that I am stuck with 7mbs.

Final Update
How did you fix it? I will post my upload and download speeds when I get it to work because the speedtests fail half way through. Mine is a 2.4 GHz TRENDnet either TEW-641 PC or a TEW-643PI And that thing gets slower and slower every day. I pay for 75 Mbps and on my desktop I get 3-5 Mbps. My PC is about 15-25 Feet from the router with a SMALL wall in the way but it still manages on getting slower every day. I have ruled out the problem being my router because every other device connected to the 2.4 GHz network are very fast. About 50-70 Mbps on a linksys ea6400 router or something similar.
Hi Axel. Sure let me tell you a few things that helped.

Installing nothing but a select few video drivers helped me out a bit. XFast Lan, even when uninstalled messes with my Internet speed. Badly. Note: Thought that the MB was the cause of this, it wasn't.

Everything else Windows installed on its own.

TP-Link USB: I knew this was not the cause of the problem as I've another desktop in my office without a wireless adapter (in which I get 68-70mbps out of 70 with the same 823N). However changing the port where it was helped me out, using the USBports in the back improved my speed. No utility drivers installed either.
(Not sure if you can try something like that with a PCI Adapter)

Created an exception for internal IP traffic as well as using a DNS Flush tool.

A few sidenotes for anyone -with this issue- other there:

Don't go open and messing with Internet ports, also leave that firewall alone.

Same for WPA2-PSK to WPA/WPA2. Keep it like that, no need for WPA-PSK.

If Windows can install it on its own, go for it.

When in doubt don't buy a new WUSBA/PCI. The one I use has terrible reputation, yet it works. Ask
a friend, he/she might have something you can use for testing.

Additional, I don't really think that whatever is in between your router-PC could be the cause of the problem. Unless you have a few industrial ovens and a plasma globe on top of your desktop. I'm mentioning this because someone suggested this as the absolute cause of the problem.


This is my garage, the router is behind a fat concrete wall; and this is my current Internet speed on that Intext.

ISP: Mine told me that they didn't know what was going on, they also told me that they couldn't help me because according to "what they have on screen" I was getting 30mbps therefore the problem was on my end. --Paying 100% for a service that let's you use 20% of its advertised speed sounds just about great.
They gave me a very expensive "computer guy" phone-number to fix this tho.
I have no one near by that is tech savvy enough to just have a spare wireless card but I do have a relative that lives near Bloomington, Illinois but that is about 3-4 hours from where I live so that's not an option for me. And even if I COULD go there he would only have the first kind of pci wireless networking cards ever made. He likes working with older PC's like an old windows xp laptop I had. But I can't get one from him. But Iv'e tried TONS of solutions online. And I don't feel like calling tons of different stores and companies for my components and having to go through each and every automated system for 20 minutes (Based on my average automated answers) and if I can't find anything soon then I will buy a new card because on the internet it says that the wireless card is from about 2006 and its already 2015 so that is a big conflict. All of my other parts are from 2012 or earlier.
I think it has just about finally died. It was working just barely. Today it would sometimes take up to 10 minutes to load a page(Not as often. Sometimes just 2-3 Minutes.) And now it doesn't work at all. Im typing this from a different device. Welp. Time for an updated one from 2012-2015.

That's exactly how it was for me..
What about getting a usb adapter? Mine is cheap (10usd) even if you upgrade to a 150mbps connexion you should be fine. It might not be what you want, but for the sake of testing, it could work.
I was on my iPad playing gta San andreas then I watched some YT. THEN! I come back to my pc and its running at 50 Mbps. LIKE WTF JUST HAPPENED!
Its still not the speeds im paying for but 50 is very acceptable for having an outdated wireless card about 20 feet from the router with a wall in between.
Here are the results. Ok. So. I was downloading an OS Iso file and it was very very slow. About 5-50 Kbps. Then this morning it was Ok-ish. Then after that it had TERRIBLE speeds. Then just now the ISO finished downloading at 5 MBPS instead on 5-50 Kbps.
But for some reason the ipv6 speeds are lower. But that doesn't affect my download speeds.
Edit: I just ran another test and it dropped back to its usual 3 Mbps.
Edit2 I just figured out how to get it a little bit better. It went from 3Mbps to 35Mbps. I put this into CMD as admin and restarted my pc then my speeds are a lot higher.
The line of code is
{netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled} Without the { or }
I had the same problem and I solved it but turning off Bluetooth. There was probably some interference.
(I know this is an old thread, but someone might come across the same problem, like I just did.)
I don't control the router where I'm at, and my connection was about 1/100th of my partner's mac.
Currently I'm hovering around 1 mb down, where it should be about 10mb, but at least I'm not suckling to get to 100kbp/s, just by switching off my bluetooth. Gracias, muchaco!

Hey, the same worked for me :)
thanks a ton 👍

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