Slow Hard drive = FPS stuttering?


Aug 1, 2017
Hi, as the title states, I'm just trying to find the cause of my insane fps stuttering in multiple games.

So I'm using a Lenovo Y700-15ISK, specs are as listed:
Intel I7-6700HQ 2.6GHz
GTX 960M 4GB

5400 RPM Hard drive

I know my gpu itself isn't strong at all, especially compared to the new 1050 ti or 1060, but I've seen decent fps at pretty decent quality settings by youtubers and benchmarks with the only factor being different is the ram and hard drive.

So a few examples of this stuttering:

GTA V - Lowest settings to Med settings at 1080p, average 40 - 60 fps? But it struggles to keep it at that number especially when driving, it has dropped many times when cruising at a smooth 90 to 1 fps and just hanging there for like 10 seconds.

Overwatch - High to Ultra setting at 1080p, average 70 fps. Occasionally, like every few days or so, it just goes crazy and the same issue as GTA happens throughout the day even after turning off my pc and leaving it for like a few hours before coming back and trying again.

Player Unknown Battlegrounds - Lowest Preset with High textures at 1080p, average 50fps, buildings take ridiculously amount of time to load and random invisible barriers appear until the buildings fully load. Loading into each match takes a really long time as well. It will usually be extremely stuttery until the game has gone on for like a good 5 - 10 minutes or so after the buildings have loaded.

The stuttering isn't like 50 to 30 or 20 fps, it just drops to 1 fps immediately and will usually make my pc hang for like 3 - 5 seconds, sometimes longer.

I've actually been planning to add an ssd to this pc and move the OS and some of my games over but I don't know exactly how much of an impact it will have on my gaming experience.
TBH, i would save up for a decent desktop, but given my current circumstances as a student, it would be kinda impossible and i more or less will have just enough to get a 256 gb ssd.

(Side question: If I moved only the OS over to an SSD and left my games on my potato hard drive, will the games still have bad performance like this or will the fps stuttering improve?)

I don't really care that much about graphical settings, I just need my FPS to stay consistent throughout without the screen tearing.
Also, I have already tried playing around with the different settings (different resolutions, different presets, custom presets, etc) on all my games, it really does nothing to help with this issue.

In esports titles like overwatch, the game runs fine most of the time, so its fairly bearable, but for games like GTA V or assassin's creed, once the stuttering starts, its just impossible to play.
Hello my friend i have laptop that is same with your's my laptop is Asus N551vw but it has SSD my windows is on my SSD i had same problem like your's but not on GTAV (i didn't tested Overwatch) in PUBG i had so many FPS stuttering when i entered a new part of map but i moved my game files on SSD so after i moved files i tested the game, that was a big difference i stuttered very less. im happy if that helped you 🙂
Hello my friend i have laptop that is same with your's my laptop is Asus N551vw but it has SSD my windows is on my SSD i had same problem like your's but not on GTAV (i didn't tested Overwatch) in PUBG i had so many FPS stuttering when i entered a new part of map but i moved my game files on SSD so after i moved files i tested the game, that was a big difference i stuttered very less. im happy if that helped you 🙂