[SOLVED] Slow HDD Win7 boot after chkdsk

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Feb 7, 2020
I decided to give one of my drives (Win7, SATA2) a thorough check for bad sectors/errors, and ever since then it's performing VERY slow.
The thing is, I have another HDD with WinXP (also SATA2) on it, and when I boot into that, the read/write speeds on that Win7 drive are nothing unusual.
Booting into XP is fine and copying files to/from the other drives is as normal, as far as I can tell.

However, when booting into the Win7 drive, it takes about 30 minutes to settle in, no exaggeration! Running another full chkdsk took over 30 HOURS! I also tried a 'Startup Repair', and currently trying to do 'SFC'. I'm not sure why a bad system file would cause this kind of slow-down, but I will try.

I've never had a problem like this in my entire life. Either a HDD works, or if it's in its death-throws will exhibit all kinds of other behaviours, like cyclic redundancy check, etc. This one seems healthy, except for being dog-slow when used as boot device. Otherwise, as far as I can tell, fully functional, just some 1000X+ slower than it should be.

I also did try swapping all the SATA cables and ports, BTW, so I feel confident that is ruled out. I also checked the BIOS and "IDE channels" in Device Manager, to make sure it's not set to PIO. It says UDMA6.

Any advice would be dearly appreciated!
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