Slow internet!!! Help me please.


Apr 29, 2014
Ok, here it is... I am using a TP Link. My brother is also using a TP link but a different model.
We use to both get 40-50Mbps but now I only get less than 5mbps...

How can I fix this? Please help as I have been pulling my hair out over this!!!
I have not tried plugging it into the modem yet however, everyone else in our house hits 40-50Mbs.

I am paying for 50Mbps which I use to hit. It will not need an upgrade as it is the Super Hub 2.

I did find a small but rather annoying fix - I have to uninstall my network drivers > Turn off computer > Turn back on. Rather annoying and would still like a solution. After doing this I got 51Mbps