Slow internet on one pc


Jun 22, 2015
Hi guys, i have a desktop which has a very slow internet, my laptop, iPhone and iPad had full bandwith (100/10mb/s) but my desktop pc is around 1,2-1,4mb/s. It's strange, i have to use a WiFi Extender to reach the desktop but the first few days i used the extender i got around 40mb/s, but suddenly yesterday i can not boost the speed up to more that 1,5mb/s.

I have read a lot of other topics about this, and thou i have the newest RX480 gfx i don't seem to have AMD quick stream, which i read could cause such problems.
I can't seem to find other brandwith controller software on my desktop pc.

The spec is.

Asrock H61 Motherboard
I5 3570 cpu
Sapphire RX480 nitro oc 8gb
8gb DDR3 ram.
Samsung 256gb SSD.

I have the newest drivers for all my hardware, and i haven't downloaded anything the last couple of days.

Hope anybody can help, because my desktop is my main pc.

Well you first need to figure out if the issue is yoour computer, your wifi as a whole, or the wifi in your room.

Take computer and hardwire with ethernet (you may have to move it temporarly into room with router).
Then see what speeds it gets.
Now connect it to wifi while in room as router and see what speeds it gets.

If it gets full speed then issue is purly wifi related to your room. Could be the repeater you are using (pretty much all repeaters are very limited devices that are going to slow your connection down), or could be other wireless interference in your room.
Okay i have now tried cable direct in the router, and the resault was 95/12mb/s so it must be the Extender. I can't use cable directly because of the location of the router/desktop. How do i set up the extender correctly? It is this extender note: the extender is behind 2 walls but only about 20feet away from the router which is a Netgear AC1600.
I tried the manual for the extender but i guess i did something wrong since it does not work.
Ok since the cable worked fine, it must be my extender or my usb wifi dongle.

Is there a good Pci wifi card that have a longe range? There is about 55/60 feet from my desktop to the router.

That is the way the OP had it hooked up to begin with, about 3-4 posts up.

@OP. Have you tried a powerline network adapter. These work better then wifi, espically when distance is so great that a repeater is needed. I would get at minimum an av500 but nowadays the av1000 models only cost a few dollars more.

Yes thats how it is set up atm. But it did not help.

Yeah have moved the extender a couple of times, and replug the cable a couple of times as well.

If i sit in my chair in front of my desktop, with my laptop i cannot for some reason, find the extender, my laptop does find the router and from that i get around 100/110mb/s so that's fine.
I don't know how to make my laptop to a "internet bridge". It is a Macbook Air if that makes any different?

You plug both pices directly into the wall outlet (not a surge protector, not a power strip or even a 1-to-3 splitter).
If it all possible it is best to plug them in on outlets that are the on the same phase.

Then you just simply hook the ethernet cables into them and your computer/router and press the sync button on the adapters.

I recommend the tp-link av1000 kit: