I have been experiencing slow internet for a while now, and whenever I contact the ISP they deny that my speed is less than what I signed up for which is 2048KBps. The speed gets to be ok/good and then drops suddenly to an extent that videos load extremely slow, pages load ok sometimes and downloads reach really low speeds sometimes, I contact them, they do whatever, sometimes the speed gets back to normal, sometimes they say some nonsense and then in a while it returns, all of that with speedtest getting low speed results. Today, something really weird is happening. Speedtest reads normal between 1.1 to 1.7 megabytes per second, videos are extremely slow, downloads are not exceeding 30kBs but when I put 3 files to download they get to be around 30/20/20, sometimes more, sometimes less. so the speed doesn't actually split, it builds up. I am running a desktop and a laptop, both having the same problem, both running on ethernet, also the same problem is occuring on android tablet and ipad. the slow internet and very slow videos, so I can't see any problems related to my devices and of course I called the ISP, they replied in a cold way as usual by saying you are receiving your perfect speed and you are the one having a problem not us. Can anyone tell me what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to check? Change? I am going nuts, I changed my router 3 times btw and the problem is still occurring.