[SOLVED] Slow Load Time - Disk Error - Reboot Fixes Problem


Aug 25, 2015
Hey Guys,
So I'm having an issue where my system (upon pressing power button) will do these steps:
  1. Load extremely slowly - BIOS screen works but the _ screen and Windows 10 Loading screen takes millennia
  2. Have had a Disk Error twice - simply restarting solves problem
  3. If my system slows/freezes on any BIOS, boot, _, Windows loading screen, a restart of the system instantly solves the problem and it loads to desktop within 10 seconds.

Not sure if the hard drive is faulty, the connections, or the motherboard itself? Have pulled it apart then put back together (with a thorough cleaning)
Everything else functions as normal apart from this strange ritual of booting the pc, then hitting the restart button to get past the endless load or black screens of death.
The fact the restart button solves any issue baffles me, as I wonder if the system is bypassing some kind of power/boot protocol on restart, which is initially causing my system to hit a wall.
Or if there is a more serious problem with my main HDD? Can the drive function normally while occasionally causing a faulty boot?
Let me know if you need my specs

you are describing a classic HDD failure. Your drive should not be used again until you buy a new one and recover the data.
Yes, the problem is very serious.