Question Slow Loading Textures (RDR2)


Jul 26, 2017
Hello, so I just bought Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC, and while playing and running benchmark tests I noticed that many buildings and textures would be loading in slowly or popping into view. My PC specs are g4560, gtx 1050, 8gb ram, and I'm running this on a 1tb HDD. I'm also running the ultra texture settings, as it is the only one that actually looks decent. I'm also getting around 30 FPS and don't really experience this in any other games. Thanks!
Hello, so I just bought Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC, and while playing and running benchmark tests I noticed that many buildings and textures would be loading in slowly or popping into view. My PC specs are g4560, gtx 1050, 8gb ram, and I'm running this on a 1tb HDD. I'm also running the ultra texture settings, as it is the only one that actually looks decent. I'm also getting around 30 FPS and don't really experience this in any other games. Thanks!
With those specs just be glad it's working at all. Try lowering all graphics settings to low.
I don't own rdr2 but I've experienced the same problem with Kingdom come deliverence, where texture pop in is really bad. Turns out it because the game need ssd to run flawlessly. A few games nowadays need an ssd.