Since a few days my PC, which is less than 1 year old, has slow performance and frequently crashes when I try to play games. Sometimes I get an error when playing a youtube video.
The PC also takes pretty long to boot.
My PC SPecs:
CPU: Pentium G4560 dual core 3.5 ghz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 TI with 4GB vram
Here are the things that I've tried so far (but did not work):
- Disable page filing
- Run antivirus scan and check for malware
- Disable startup programs
- Run windows in safe mode
- Reboot computer
- Close background programs
The PC also takes pretty long to boot.
My PC SPecs:
CPU: Pentium G4560 dual core 3.5 ghz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 TI with 4GB vram
Here are the things that I've tried so far (but did not work):
- Disable page filing
- Run antivirus scan and check for malware
- Disable startup programs
- Run windows in safe mode
- Reboot computer
- Close background programs