slow PC sales



All the computer sales "experts" say sales are slow this year but can't figure out why.
Maybe: 1- Most people are pretty satisfied with their computers- not everyone is an overclocking junkie.
2- The Playstation 2 and Dreamcast have impacted game sales.
An Nvidia Geforce 2 Ultra costs about the same as a Playstation 2. Guess which one Timmy will get this Christmas?

Maybe last year when the market was great everyone went out and bought a computer. You are right not everyone is a Overclocking junkie so those ppl who went out and bought computers prolly wouldn't be buying another one. Alot of consumers aren't like the ppl on here. They (I think) are satisfied alot more easily then us(TH). I think the ppl on here upgrade every 3-6 months and on an average the regular consumers aren't to likely to blow wads of cash on a video card or CPU.

In the immortal word's of Bob Marley, "Let's get together and feel alllright..."
i agree also but most peeps only want a machine to go log onto the internet and go to chat rooms. not much of a machine is needed to do that!
I agree with you, but you can't get a Playstation 2 unless you try buy it off someone, it'll be $600-1000. Fortunately there's no shortage of GeForce2 cards.
Our store was quiet over Christmas, it was because the Govt introduced a new goods and services tax last year, and all the attendant business paperwork that tied up peoples time.
I wonder if the x-box will impact low/mid-end pc sales in the 4th quarter(if it is shipping in large volume by then)?

It has some nice options. It goes online, you can play dvd's/games, I think it comes with a keyboard(as an option)etc.. And no expensive monitor needed. Almost a poor mans pc.
A vast majority of machines that people buy are the low end get on the internet machines(Celerons mostly, the durons with nonintagrated graphics cost to much[or so they think]). I worked as a tech at best buy for a while and got to setup all the striped down, integrated to high hell machines. Most of those people will never even open the case. As long as they can get to there chat room, porn site, cult site, martha stewart home page, or whatever they are happy. Also the console explosion has also screwed the hardcore pc gamers out of any really good new games. Consoles are easier to program for, one machine, one setup. Not like the pc were there are differant cpus, graphics cards, sound cards, etc. Whats the point of having the latest greatest gaming machine if your games arent up to the par of the machine?
Same here, and yes i think it is because now that the "fad" of computers is over, most people are happy to get some ecobox, then they tell me i got this Gatewway or Dell and i have all this software and a printer! BTW can you help me since they will not? I enjoy telling thme $90 to come out!!!!its the same with the MCSE market, i can't get another job because of teh same thing, most of these people didn't ven have a computer last year now they have there Gateway, and there MCSE! man is the Computer market messed up!!!
A lot of people up here are giving some of the blame too the rising cost of natural gas (dont laugh :) ) My electric and gas bill came too 282.00 last month. 42.00 of that was electric, and im single!!!! Maybe people are puting off buying the toys until the cost of living comes back down too a managable level.
Or if your in california, what good is your computer if they shut off your electric every other day (jk) hehe

have a great day

rochester ny

"I thought i would never see a resonance cascade, let alone create one."
Hey, I used to live in Rochester. Nice to see that RG&E is still screwing everybody. lol. I suppose that it really can cost a fortune, especially this time of year. I live in a warmer climate now, I bet I could heat my apartment just by upgrading to an Athlon!

Tom Mc

Even a fool, when he remains silent, appears wise.