Slow Upload Speed


Feb 6, 2017
So my internet isn't the best but it's not too bad either. I get 8Mb/s Download speed and 4Mb/s Upload speed. Or that's what I should be getting. I've done at least 20 Speedtests in 2 days and all gave out the same result. 6.5-8Mb/s Download; 0.1-0.4Mb/s Upload.

I've tried :

  • Upgrading my Firmware to the latest version.
    Resetting my router to its factory settings.
    Tried Speedtest on both wired and wireless connections on separate devices.
    Removing all UDP and TCP ports that I forwarded.
    Contacted my ISP which told me to do the following :
    Restart my router; Change DNS to their given DNS; Wait it out.

I've run out of options and don't know what to do. Even my ISP are confused as they say everything seems to be fine at their end. In case you're wondering, I'm using a TP-LINK W8901G router running the latest firmware. All help is appreciated!